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Friday, July 22, 2005

Why CSS (Cascading Style sheet)

Why We Used CSS Based website

Reduced bandwidth costs

Web pages using CSS for layout tend to have much smaller file sizes than those using tabular layouts. It's not unusual to see reductions of 50% or more in file size when switching from tables to CSS. Smaller file sizes obviously mean reduced bandwidth costs, which for high traffic sites can mean enormous savings.

The main reason for this dramatic decrease in file size is that presentation information is placed in the external CSS document, called up once when the homepage loads up and then cached (stored) on to the user's computer. Table layouts on the other hand, place all presentation information inside each HTML, which is then called up and downloaded for every page on the site.

Additionally, CSS can be used to replace JavaScript image rollovers, again allowing a large reduction in overall page size.

A higher search engine ranking

A CSS-based website will appear higher in the search engine rankings for three reasons:

* The code is cleaner and therefore more accessible to search engines
* Important content can be placed at the top of the HTML document
* There is a greater density of content compared to coding

A higher search engine ranking means more site visitors, which, provided your website is usable, should lead to an increase in enquiries or sales.

CSS downloads faster than tables because:

* Browsers read through tables twice before displaying their contents, once to work out their structure and once to determine their content
* Tables appear on the screen all in one go - no part of the table will appear until the entire table is downloaded and rendered
* Tables encourage the use of spacer images to aid with positioning
* CSS generally requires less code than cumbersome tables
* All code to do with the layout can be placed in an external CSS document, which will be called up just once and then cached (stored) on the user's computer; table layout, stored in each HTML document, must be loaded up each time a new page downloads
* With CSS you can control the order items download on to the screen - make the content appear before slow-loading images and your site users will definitely appreciate it

Increase in reach

The more people you can reach, the more visitors you'll get to your site and the more enquiries or sales you should get. A CSS-based website is compatible with PDAs, mobile phones, in-car browsers and WebTV.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

send email Using cdo message

Send email Using cdo message

toaddress=request.form("toemail") //Get the value from previuos page
'Response.Write (toaddress)
'Response.Write (fromaddress)
'Response.Write (mailsubject)
'Response.Write (mailbody)
'Response.Write ("dddddddddd")

sub sendemail(toaddress,fromaddress,mailsubject,mailbody)
set imsg = createobject("cdo.message")
set iconf = createobject("cdo.configuration")
Set Flds = iConf.Fields
With Flds
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = "" /// Give u r smtp address
'.Item("") = ""
End With

With iMsg
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = toaddress
.From = fromaddress
' .CC = ""
.Subject = mailsubject
.TextBody = mailbody
End With
set imsg = nothing
set iconf = nothing
end sub

Following code is used to call the send email functions
call sendemail(toaddress,fromaddress,mailsubject,mailbody)

Friday, July 15, 2005

web accessibility & important

What is web accessibility & why is it important?

Web accessibility is about making your website accessible to all Internet users (both disabled and non-disabled), regardless of what browsing technology they're using. In addition to complying with the law, an accessible website can reap huge benefits on to your website and your business.

Please read the articles, Benefits of an accessible website - part 1 and Benefits of an accessible website - part 2 for more about the importance of web accessibility.
Your website must be able to function with all different browsing technologies

The first and perhaps the most important rule of web accessibility. Not everyone is using the latest version of Internet Explorer, with all the plug-ins and programs that you may require them to have for your website. Different browsing technologies, each with their own accessibility requirements, can include:

* Lynx browser - Text-only browser with no support for tables, CSS, images, JavaScript, Flash or audio and video content
* WebTV - 560px in width with horizontal scrolling not available
* Screen reader - Page content read aloud in the order it appears in the HTML document
* Handheld device - Very small screen with limited support for JavaScript and large images
* Screen magnifier - As few as three to four words may be able to appear on the screen at any one time
* Slow connection (below 56kb) - Users may turn off images to enable a faster download time
* 1600px screen width - Very wide screen

This basically means that to ensure your website is accessible to everyone you must provide alternatives to:

* Images - in the form of ALT text
* JavaScript - through the < noscript > tag
* Flash - with HTML equivalents
* Audio & video - by using subtitles or written transcripts

For enhanced website accessibility you must also be careful how your pages look when support for CSS and/or tables has been removed.

Popup window in center screen

< script language=Javascript >
function centerPopUp( url, name, width, height, scrollbars ) {

if( scrollbars == null ) scrollbars = "0"

str = "";
str += "resizable=1,";
str += "scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",";
str += "width=" + width + ",";
str += "height=" + height + ",";

if ( window.screen ) {
var ah = screen.availHeight - 30;
var aw = screen.availWidth - 10;

var xc = ( aw - width ) / 2;
var yc = ( ah - height ) / 2;

str += ",left=" + xc + ",screenX=" + xc;
str += ",top=" + yc + ",screenY=" + yc;
} url, name, str );
< / script >

< a href="javascript:centerPopUp( 'web-design-guidelines.html', 'popup', 300, 200 )" >win open< / a >



AJAX or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is a term describing a web development technique for creating interactive web applications.

Ajax incorporates:

* standards-based presentation using XHTML and CSS;
* dynamic display and interaction using the Document Object Model;
* data interchange and manipulation using XML and XSLT;
* asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest(The XMLHttpRequest object to interchange and manipulate data asynchronously with the web server (commonly using XML and XSLT although AJAX applications can use other technologies, including preformatted HTML, plain text, JSON and JSON-RPC as alternatives to XML/XSLT));
* and JavaScript binding everything together.


1. Web page is rendered
2. A Events executes a JavaScript function call (i.e. onKeyUp, button click, setTimeout, page load, etc.)
3. JavaScript instantiates an XML HTTP object
4. XML HTTP object calls a remote page
5. Remote Page transforms an XML structure using XSLT and returns the result
6. JavaScript accepts the results and applies it to the page
7. No page reload, just magical dynamic data

Ajax Mistakes

Too much code makes the browser slow
Scrolling the page and making me lose my place
Asynchronously performing batch operations
Changing state with links (GET requests)
Breaking the back button

Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Good Web Design

A Good design isn't just that which is aesthetically pleasing -- it must drive real value for your business and your users. With our research and strategy as a foundation, we work with you to deliver optimal design solutions.

Good Design methods include:

* Information architecture
* Interaction design
* Interface design
* Visual design
* Prototype building

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Website content & usability

Website content & usability

Writing for the web is totally different to writing for printed matter. We tend to scan content on the web hunting for the information we're after, as opposed to reading word-for-word. As a result of this, there are certain guidelines you should be sure to follow when writing copy for your website:

1. Use clear and simple language

Reading from computer screens is tiring for the eyes and about 25% slower than reading from printed matter. As such, the easier the style of writing the easier it is for site visitors to absorb your words of wisdom.

Some techniques for using clear and simple language include:

* Avoid slang or jargon - Get your grandmother and ten year old nephew to read your site - if both can understand the page content you've done well!
* Use shorter words where possible - ‘Begin’ rather than ‘commence’, ‘used to’ rather than ‘accustomed to’ etc.
* Avoid complex sentence structures - Try to include just one idea or concept per sentence
* Use active ahead of passive words - ‘We won the award’ is shorter and easier to comprehend than, ‘The award was won by us’

2. Limit each paragraph to one idea

If you assign just one idea to each paragraph site visitors can:

* Easily scan through each paragraph
* Get the general gist of what the paragraph is about
* Then move on to the next paragraph

All this and without fear that they'll be skipping over important information, because they will already know roughly what the paragraph is about.

Limiting each paragraph to just one idea is especially effective when combined with front-loading paragraph content.

3. Front-load content

Front-loading content means putting the conclusion first, followed by the what, how, where, when and why. The first line of each paragraph should contain the conclusion for that paragraph, so site visitors can:

* Quickly scan through the opening sentence
* Instantly understand what the paragraph is about
* Decide if they want to read the rest of the paragraph or not

Because each paragraph contains just one idea, users can do all this safe in the knowledge that if they jump to the next paragraph they won't be missing any new concepts.

Front-loading also applies to web pages, as well as paragraphs. The opening paragraph on every page should always contain the conclusion of that page. This way, site visitors can instantly gain an understanding of what the page is about and decide whether they want to read the page or not.

Unfortunately many websites don't adhere to this guideline and end up writing page content in a story-format. On each page there's an introduction, middle and conclusion, in that order. Unfortunately, when scanning through web content we don't tend to read all the text nor read all the way to the bottom of the screen. As such, you may easily miss the conclusion if it's left until the end.

So remember, conclusion first, everything else second! For a great example of front-loaded content, just read any newspaper article. The opening paragraph is always the conclusion of the article.

4. Use descriptive sub-headings

Breaking up text with descriptive sub-headings allows site visitors to easily see what each section of the page is about. The main heading on the page provides a brief overall view of what page is about, and the opening paragraph gives a brief conclusion of the page (because you've front-loaded the page content). Within the page though, there are various sub-themes which can be quickly put across with sub-headings.

There's no hard and fast rule for how frequently to use sub-headings, but you should probably be roughly aiming for one sub-heading every two to four paragraphs. More importantly though, the sub-headings should group on-page content into logical groups, to allow site visitors to easily access the information that they're after.

5. Bolden important words

Another way to help users locate information quickly and easily is to bolden important words in some paragraphs. When site visitors scan through the screen this text stands out to them, so do make sure the text makes sense out of context.

Bolden two to three words which describe the main point of the paragraph, and not words on which you're placing emphasis. By seeing these boldened words site visitors can instantly gain an understanding of what the paragraph is about and decide whether or not they want to read it.

6. Use descriptive link text

In the same way that bold text stands out to screen-scanning web users, so does link text. Link text such as ‘click here’ makes no sense whatsoever out of context so is useless to site visitors scanning web pages. To find out the destination of the link, site visitors have to hunt through the text both before and after the link text.

7. Use lists

Lists are preferable to long paragraphs because they:

* Allow users to read the information vertically rather than horizontally
* Are easier to scan
* Are less intimidating
* Are usually more succinct

8. Left-align text

Left-aligned text is easier to read than justified text, which in turn is easier to read than centre- or right-aligned text.

When reading through justified text the spacing between each word is different so our eyes have to search for the next word. This slows down our reading speed. Right- and centre-aligned paragraphs slow down reading speed even more because each time you finish reading one line your eye has to search for the beginning of the next line.

Navigation Links

Navigation Links

- Users look straight at content and ignore navigation areas
- Users look only for the one thing they have in mind
- Users will ruthlessly click the Back button if a page isn't relevant to the their goals
- Users don't understand where they are in a website
- Users don't spend time learning certain design elements
- Limit pervasive linking to maybe five or six things
- Do not link to all sections from all pages - let people go back to the front page
- Use breadcrumbs to link to all levels of the hierarchy above the current location
- Provide useful links to related content

web design guidelines

1. Emphasize what your site offers that's of value to users and how your services differ from those of key competitors.
2. Use a liquid layout that lets users adjust the homepage size.
3. Use color to distinguish visited and unvisited links.
4. Use graphics to show real content, not just to decorate your homepage.
5. Include a tag line that explicitly summarizes what the site or company does.
6. Make it easy to access anything recently featured on your homepage.
7. Include a short site description in the window title.
8. Don't use a heading to label the search area; instead use a "Search" button to the right of the box.
9. With stock quotes, give the percentage of change, not just the points gained or lost
10. Don't include an active link to the homepage on the homepage.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Users' expectations on Web

Users' expectations on Web

- Links to the front page to be located at the top-left of the page
- Ads to be located at the top of the page
- Internal links to be located at the left side of the page
- External links to be located at the left and right sides of the page
- Links to shopping carts and help to be located at the top-right of the page

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Web credibility & important

What is web credibility & why is it important?

Web credibility is about making your website in such a way that it comes across as trustworthy and knowledgeable. A credible website can reap huge benefits on to your website and your business.

Just 52.8% of web users believe online information to be credible (source: UCLA).
You must prove there's a real organisation behind your website

Anyone can put up a website promising to deliver the ‘best service at the lowest prices’. Web users must be able to believe there's a real organisation behind your website. A few things you can do are:

* Link to external websites that reference your organisation
* Provide staff bios
* Make it very easy to contact you
* Show photos of the office, staff, products etc.

Can you think of other ways you can prove your organisation's real? Have a look at a website you visit quite often - what is it about this website that you trust?
Your website needs to provide ‘sensitive’ information

A website is akin to a one-way conversation between you and your site visitors where you have 100% control over the dialogue. As such, you must ensure that you answer any questions that site visitors may have, for example:

* What is the purpose of your organisation?
* How much does it cost?
* What happens if ... ?

All statements should be backed up by third-party evidence

“We helped our clients achieve an average of 70% growth last year.” Really? Well prove it! Every single point you make on your website must, without fail, be backed up with hard evidence - preferably from a third-party website. How else can a reader know for sure that you're telling the truth? If you've won any awards then make sure you proudly display these too.
There has to be proof that the organisation is growing and has clients

An organisation that can prove it has clients and is experiencing growth instantly achieves credibility. By showing you've offered your services plenty of times before, and expect to do so in the future, your organisation comes across as being firmly established within your industry. You can prove this by providing:

* A client list
* Testimonials
* Case studies of your work
* A latest news section

Your website needs to have an air of professionalism and confidence

Your website is your organisation's online representation - it's essential that it matches up in quality to the rest of your marketing materials. Even if you don't think your website's important to the success of your organization, (potential) clients will make judgments about your organisation based on your website.

Studies have proven that the most important criteria of web credibility is the way the website looks. This is perhaps due to the short amount of time we spend on websites so we rely on initial judgements. Create a great first impression by having a crisp, professional layout with sharp graphics. Other good things to do are:

* Provide some free information to prove your expertise
* Ensure that there are no dead links
* Send out an automatic confirmation e-mail when someone contacts you

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Goal of Website?

Goal of Website?

* To inform?
* To build a community?
* To gain valuable market research?
* To reduce support and customer service costs?
* To reach a broad audience with a message?
* To find sales leads?
* To conduct e-commerce?
* To gain advertising revenue?
* To brand your company?
* To build trust?
* To reduce printing and mailing costs?

These are just some of the many possibilities. Remember, the web is not just a marketing tool - it's a business tool as well. While it is perfectly okay to have an Internet billboard that simply contains contact information, why settle for that when your site can do so much more? Even the smallest local business can utilize the power of the Internet to be more efficient and to build revenue. Once you start thinking about it, it's easy to get excited about the potential for your site.